Outreach Open House 1/1/2025

Do you and your range buddies want to do more to fight for your Second Amendment rights? CCDL wants YOU for our Outreach Team!

Since 2019, Outreach has played an integral part in our Second Amendment advocacy operations. Learn more about CCDL Outreach at https://www.ccdl.us/get-involved/outreach/  

Join us for the upcoming Outreach Open House, including a networking hour with light finger food, informational and inspirational sessions by Outreach Coordinator Dr. Walt Kupson, Silvana Apicella (Elections Coordinator), and Matthew Strasser (Legislative Coordinator), and a meet-n-greet/Q&A session with YOUR local Outreach Regional Manager. 

Contact Dr. Kupson at Outreach@CCDL.US for full information and to RSVP, Carry On!

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