CCDL 15th Anniversary Dinner Tickets ON SALE
CCDL’s annual Anniversary Dinner is back! Join us in celebrating 15 years of grassroots advocacy by law-abiding gunowners. Save the

CCDL v. Thody: Appellate Court Hearing on Tuesday
On March 29, 2023, the US District Court dismissed the case for lack of standing, and we immediately appealed that

UPDATE: Sporting Clays POSTPONED to 10/29!
Spread the word! Due to rain, the upcoming Sporting Clays Event is postponed to 10/29. Buy your tickets here!

CCDL Recognized Nationally at GRPC
Saturday, 9/23/2023: CCDL Recognized NATIONALLY at the Gun Rights Policy Conference as the 2023 Grassroots Organization of the Year. Thank
2023 Connecticut Assault Weapons Registry Posted TODAY!
The Governor’s H.B. 6667 added “Others” and “Pre-94 Prebans” to the definition of an Assault Weapon. Law-abiding citizens in possession
Rally at the Capitol 2023
With the passage of HB6667, The 2023 Assault Weapons Ban, 9/30/23 is the last day for legal gunowners to lawfully
10/15/23 Sporting Clays Event!
See Details on the Registration Page Here! > https://www.ccdl.us/product/ccdl-benefit-sporting-clays-shoot-ticket-10-15-23/
2023 GUN CONTROL GUIDE: CT Firearms After H.B. 6667
H.B. 6667, The Governor’s Bill, The Connecticut Assault Weapons Ban of 2023, Public Act 23-53… After an exceptionally long session