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Watching Closely

These bills are being watched by the CCDL Legislative Team to see if they will affect your right to bear arms.


These bills have been completely reviewed by the CCDL Legislative Team and are fully supported by CCDL. 


These bills have been completely reviewed by the CCDL Legislative Team and CCDL stands firmly against these bills. 

CCDL StanceBill Number / LinkBill TitleStatement of PurposeProposed ByReferred to CommitteeDate FiledRaised DatePublic Hearing DateSenate CalledHouse Called
WatchingSB49AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE KILLING OF BLACK BEAR THAT INJURE OR KILL LIVESTOCK OR OTHER DOMESTIC ANIMALS.To permit a person to kill a black bear that attacks such person's livestock.Sen. Eric C. Berthel, 32nd Dist. (R)Environment1/8/2025
WatchingSB54AN ACT AUTHORIZING BLACK BEAR HUNTING IN LITCHFIELD COUNTY.To authorize black bear hunting in Litchfield County.Sen. Eric C. Berthel, 32nd Dist. (R)Environment1/8/2025
WatchingSB66AN ACT AUTHORIZING ALL SUNDAY HUNTING.To permit Sunday hunting.Sen. Jeff Gordon, 35th Dist. (R)Environment1/8/2025
WatchingSB79AN ACT AUTHORIZING SUNDAY HUNTING ON PRIVATE AND PUBLIC LANDS.To expand Sunday hunting during hunting season.Sen. Henri Martin, 31st Dist. (R)Environment1/8/2025
SupportSB117AN ACT ESTABLISHING A NONREFUNDABLE PERSONAL INCOME TAX CREDIT FOR THE PURCHASE OF A GUN SAFE.To establish a nonrefundable credit against the personal income tax of up to one hundred fifty dollars for the purchase of a gun safe for personal use.Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R)Finance, Revenue and Bonding1/8/2025
WatchingSB203AN ACT CONCERNING ELIGIBILITY FOR NONJUDICIAL ADJUDICATION OF A DELINQUENCY COMPLAINT.To restore the eligibility requirements of a juvenile being adjudicated nonjudicial prior to the 2023 change by the Judicial Branch's Rules Committee.Sen. Paul Cicarella, 34th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/8/2025
WatchingSB212AN ACT PROVIDING IMMUNITY FROM CIVIL LIABILITY TO A PHYSICIAN WHO ACCOMPANIES AND ASSISTS A STATE, REGIONAL OR MUNICIPAL SWAT TEAM.To provide immunity to a physician who accompanies and assists a state, regional or municipal SWAT team.Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/8/2025
WatchingSB219AN ACT CONCERNING DISCRETIONARY TRANSFER FROM JUVENILE TO ADULT COURT.To include serious firearm offenses in the list of offenses eligible for discretionary transfer from juvenile to adult court.Sen. Paul Cicarella, 34th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/8/2025
SupportSB234AN ACT PROHIBITING THE MUNICIPAL REGULATION OF FIREARMS.To prohibit any municipality from adopting any ordinance or other regulation concerning the regulation of firearms.Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R) Rep. Anne Dauphinais, 44th Dist. (R) Rep. Gale L. Mastrofrancesco, 80th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/8/2025
SupportSB269AN ACT REQUIRING THE STATE TO ENTER RECIPROCITY AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER STATES REGARDING PERMITS TO CARRY A PISTOL OR REVOLVER.To provide for gun permit reciprocity.Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R) Rep. Anne Dauphinais, 44th Dist. (R) Rep. Gale L. Mastrofrancesco, 80th Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/8/2025
WatchingSB275AN ACT REQUIRING A STUDY OF BACKGROUND CHECK ERRORS.To require the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection to study and report on errors in the background check process and prevent issuing firearms permits in the future to individuals who have a conviction that disqualifies such person from holding such permit.Sen. Ryan Fazio, 36th Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/8/2025
WatchingHB5021AN ACT AUTHORIZING A LIMITED BLACK BEAR HUNTING SEASON.To manage the black bear population and protect residents of the state.Rep. Donna Veach, 30th Dist. (R)Environment1/8/2025
WatchingHB5022AN ACT AUTHORIZING SUNDAY HUNTING ON PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY BY SHOTGUN OR RIFLE.To authorize Sunday hunting on private and public property by shotgun or rifle.Rep. Donna Veach, 30th Dist. (R)Environment1/8/2025
WatchingHB5036AN ACT CONCERNING INVESTIGATIONS OF INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE BY INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION.To require an institution of higher education to allow victims of intimate partner violence to participate in any investigation or administrative hearing conducted by such institution in cases where the accused is a student or employee of such institution, but the victim is not.Rep. Donna Veach, 30th Dist. (R)Higher Education and Employment Advancement1/8/2025
SupportHB5051AN ACT PROHIBITING THE REGULATION OF FIREARMS BY MUNICIPALITIES.To preempt the regulation of firearms by municipalities.Rep. Brian Lanoue, 45th Dist. (R)Planning and Development1/8/2025
WatchingSB350AN ACT CONCERNING LEGAL PROTECTIONS FOR CHILDREN IN THE EVENT OF INTIMATE PARTNER HOMICIDE.To provide enhanced legal protections for children in the event of intimate partner violence.Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/9/2025
WatchingSB352AN ACT RESTRICTING EARLY RELEASE FOR PERSONS CONVICTED OF CRIMES INVOLVING SEXUAL ASSAULT OR FIREARMS.To protect the citizens of Connecticut from early release of convicted violent felons.Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R) Rep. Anne Dauphinais, 44th Dist. (R) Rep. Gale L. Mastrofrancesco, 80th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/9/2025
WatchingSB371AN ACT REQUIRING THE COMMISSIONER OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND PUBLIC PROTECTION TO ACQUIRE A FEDERAL FIREARMS LICENSE.To ensure the Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection facilitates firearm transfers from person to person in compliance with rules established by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms regarding such transfers.Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/9/2025
SupportHB5067AN ACT CONCERNING THE CASTLE DOCTRINE.To adopt and incorporate the castle doctrine into the general statutes.Rep. Brian Lanoue, 45th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/9/2025
WatchingSB409AN ACT CONCERNING INVESTMENT IN SUPPORTIVE HOUSING AND HOME OWNERSHIP INITIATIVES.To promote investments in supportive housing initiatives and home ownership support initiatives.Sen. Saud Anwar, 3rd Dist. (D)Appropriations1/10/2025
SupportSB495AN ACT PROHIBITING ANY REQUIREMENT THAT A FIREARM SELLER SEND A COPY OF THE SALE OR TRANSFER OF FIREARMS FORM TO THE LOCAL POLICE AUTHORITY WHERE THE FIREARM PURCHASER RESIDES.To prohibit any redundant requirement that the seller of a firearm send a copy of the sale or transfer of firearms form related to the firearm sale to the local police authority where the purchaser of the firearm resides.Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/10/2025
SupportSB500AN ACT ELIMINATING THE RESTRICTION ON CARRYING HAND GUNS IN STATE PARKS AND FORESTS FOR SELF-DEFENSE PURPOSES.To eliminate the restriction on the carrying of handguns in state parks and state forests for the purpose of self-defense.Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R) Rep. Anne Dauphinais, 44th Dist. (R) Rep. Gale L. Mastrofrancesco, 80th Dist. (R)Environment1/10/2025
SupportSB529AN ACT CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF FIREARMS AS PART OF AN ESTATE.To allow estates to transfer firearms without restriction.Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/13/2025
SupportSB569AN ACT CONCERNING THE SUBMISSION OF CERTAIN PISTOL PERMITS DIRECTLY TO THE DIVISION OF STATE POLICE.To alleviate the workload of towns without a police department relating to pistol permits.Sen. Jeff Gordon, 35th Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/14/2025
WatchingHB5129AN ACT ALLOWING OFF-DUTY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO CARRY FIREARMS ON SCHOOL GROUNDS.To allow off-duty law enforcement officers to carry firearms used in the performance of official duties on school grounds.Rep. Craig C. Fishbein, 90th Dist. (R)Education1/14/2025
WatchingHB5132AN ACT AUTHORIZING SUNDAY HUNTING ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY BY SHOTGUN OR RIFLE.To authorize hunting on Sunday on private and public lands by shotgun or rifle.Rep. Seth Bronko, 70th Dist. (R)Environment1/14/2025
WatchHB5140AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE USE OF A SINGLE-SHOT HANDGUN TO HUNT DEER ON CERTAIN PRIVATE PROPERTY.To allow the use of a single-shot handgun for the hunting of deer on private land.Rep. Karen Reddington-Hughes, 66th Dist. (R)Environment1/14/2025
WatchingHB5162AN ACT CONCERNING MOTOR VEHICLE DATA PRIVACY AND VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.To provide for the termination of, and require disclosure regarding the use of, remote vehicle technology.Rep. Gary A. Turco, 27th Dist. (D)General Law1/14/2025
WatchingHB5176AN ACT CONCERNING A POLICE OFFICER'S ABILITY TO REQUEST CONSENT TO SEARCH A MOTOR VEHICLE.To allow police officers the ability to request consent to search a motor vehicle in order to take illegal weapons and drugs off the street, as well as assist in collecting evidence of a crime.Rep. Greg S. Howard, 43rd Dist. (R)Judiciary1/14/2025
SupportHB5201AN ACT REDEFINING "LARGE CAPACITY MAGAZINE".To allow the possession of a firearm magazine that has the capacity of not more than fifteen rounds of ammunition.Rep. Greg S. Howard, 43rd Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/14/2025
WatchingHB5202AN ACT ALLOWING THE PURCHASE, POSSESSION AND IMPORTATION OF LARGE CAPACITY MAGAZINES BY CERTAIN PERSONS.To allow the purchase, possession and importation of large capacity magazines by (1) a licensed security guard while in the performance of such licensed security guard's duties, and (2) a holder of a photographic identification issued under the federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act.Rep. Greg S. Howard, 43rd Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/14/2025
WatchingHB5207AN ACT ALLOWING OFF-DUTY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO CARRY FIREARMS ON SCHOOL GROUNDS.To allow off-duty law enforcement officers to carry firearms on school grounds.Rep. Carol Hall, 59th Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/14/2025
SupportHB5209AN ACT LIMITING ORDERS RELATED TO FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION DURING A CIVIL PREPAREDNESS OR PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY.To prohibit the Governor or any municipality from restricting lawful possession of a firearm or ammunition during a civil preparedness or public health emergency.Rep. Craig C. Fishbein, 90th Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/14/2025
SupportHB5210AN ACT CONCERNING THE SALE OF AMMUNITION AT GUN CLUBS AND FIREARM RANGES.To allow a gun club or firearm range to sell ammunition for use at such club or range to any person without requiring such person to hold a valid ammunition certificate.Rep. Craig C. Fishbein, 90th Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/14/2025
SupportHB5211AN ACT CONCERNING COMPLIANCE WITH A REQUIREMENT THAT CERTAIN INFORMATION REGARDING FIREARMS BE PUBLICLY POSTED.To determine the level of compliance with the requirement to publicly post information about firearm permitting rights specified in section 29-32c of the general statutes.Rep. Craig C. Fishbein, 90th Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/14/2025
WatchingSB579AN ACT REQUIRING TRAINING FOR A MASS SHOOTING EVENT.To require the training of school security officers and school resource officers to respond to a mass shooting event.Sen. Henri Martin, 31st Dist. (R)Education1/15/2025
WatchingSB692AN ACT CONCERNING DOMESTIC AND INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE MURDER.To ensure domestic violence deaths are charged as murder instead of manslaughter.Sen. Ryan Fazio, 36th Dist. (R) Sen. Heather S. Somers, 18th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/16/2025
WatchingHB5315AN ACT CONCERNING THE REGULATION AND CONTROL OF THE BLACK BEAR POPULATION IN THE STATE.To establish a bear management framework intended to ensure a healthy bear population, minimize conflicts between bears and humans and allow for limited regulated hunting of black bear.Rep. Karen Reddington-Hughes, 66th Dist. (R) Rep. Mark W Anderson, 62nd Dist. (R)Environment1/16/2025
WatchingSB759AN ACT CONCERNING PUBLIC SAFETY, THE PROSECUTION OF CRIMINALS AND THE PROTECTION OF VICTIMS.To adopt measures concerning public safety, the prosecution of criminals and the protection of victims.Sen. Stephen G. Harding, 30th Dist. (R) Sen. Henri Martin, 31st Dist. (R) Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R) Sen. Paul Cicarella, 34th Dist. (R) Sen. Heather S. Somers, 18th Dist. (R) Sen. Tony Hwang, 28th Dist. (R) Sen. Eric C. Berthel, 32nd Dist. (R) Sen. Ryan Fazio, 36th Dist. (R) Sen. Jeff Gordon, 35th Dist. (R) Sen. John A. Kissel, 7th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/17/2025
WatchingSB760AN ACT CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF CORRECTION OFFICERS FROM VIOLENCE.To protect correction officers from violence perpetrated by persons who are incarcerated.Sen. Henri Martin, 31st Dist. (R) Sen. Paul Cicarella, 34th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/17/2025
WatchingHB5388AN ACT CONCERNING NATURAL FISHING, HUNTING AND AQUACULTURE RIGHTS OF CERTAIN NATIVE AMERICAN TRIBES.To affirm and expand fishing, hunting and aquaculture rights of state-recognized Native American tribes.Rep. Aundre Bumgardner, 41st Dist. (D)Environment1/17/2025
WatchingHB5443AN ACT CONCERNING CONSENT SEARCHES OF MOTOR VEHICLES.To allow police officers the ability to request consent to search a motor vehicle in order to take illegal weapons and drugs off the street, as well as assist in collecting evidence of a crime.Rep. Tina Courpas, 149th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/17/2025
WatchingHB5486AN ACT CONCERNING NONDISCRIMINATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY PROTECTIONS FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SURVIVORS.To ensure equitable access to domestic violence services by: (1) Including nondiscrimination policies and cultural competency training for domestic violence shelters and housing providers, and (2) expanding confidentiality protections to better safeguard the personal information of domestic violence survivors.Rep. Nicholas Menapace, 37th Dist. (D)Judiciary1/17/2025
OpposeHB5487AN ACT CONCERNING LEGAL LIABILITY FOR THE OWNER OF A FIREARM WHOSE FIREARM IS USED IN THE COMMISSION OF A FELONY OR MISDEMEANOR.To provide that a civil action may be brought against a gun owner whose firearm is used in the commission of a misdemeanor or felony and that a prevailing plaintiff in such action shall be entitled to damages, costs and attorney's fees.Rep. Geoff Luxenberg, 12th Dist. (D)Judiciary1/17/2025
SupportHB5596AN ACT CONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF THE "CASTLE DOCTRINE".To fully adopt the "castle doctrine" by establishing a rebuttable presumption that if a homeowner believes it necessary to use deadly force to repel an intruder, then that belief is a reasonable belief.Rep. Craig C. Fishbein, 90th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/21/2025
WatchingHB5597AN ACT CONCERNING THE DUTY TO RETREAT IN A HOUSE OF RELIGIOUS WORSHIP.To eliminate the requirement that a person in a house of religious worship retreat before using deadly force to defend himself or herself or a third person.Rep. Craig C. Fishbein, 90th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/21/2025
WatchingHB5631AN ACT REQUIRING THE STATE TO ENTER RECIPROCITY AGREEMENTS WITH CERTAIN STATES REGARDING PERMITS TO CARRY A PISTOL OR REVOLVER.To enter into reciprocity agreements with the New England states to recognize permits to carry a pistol or revolver issued by said states.Rep. Arnold Jensen, 131st Dist.Public Safety and Security1/21/2025
SupportHB5639AN ACT ELIMINATING FEES RELATED TO THE PROCUREMENT OF CERTAIN PERMITS.To eliminate all fees related to the procurement of a permit to exercise any constitutional right.Rep. Gale L. Mastrofrancesco, 80th Dist.Public Safety and Security1/21/2025
WatchingHB5671AN ACT CONCERNING A LIMITED BLACK BEAR HUNTING SEASON.To manage the black bear population and protect residents of the state.Rep. Karen Reddington-Hughes, 66th Dist.Environment1/21/2025
SupportHB5688AN ACT ADOPTING THE CASTLE DOCTRINE.To fully adopt the Castle Doctrine.Rep. Kurt Vail, 52nd Dist.Judiciary1/21/2025
WatchingHB5693AN ACT CONCERNING MURDER COMMITTED IN THE COURSE OF A DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INCIDENT AND THE ISSUANCE OF CRIMINAL PROTECTIVE ORDERS AGAINST CONVICTED PERPETRATORS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.To classify a murder committed in the course of a domestic violence incident as a murder with special circumstances and to require issuance of a criminal protective order as part of the sentence for a domestic violence conviction.Rep. Vincent J. Candelora, 86th Dist. Rep. Tom O'Dea, 125th Dist. Rep. David Rutigliano, 123rd Dist. Rep. Tim Ackert, 8th Dist. Rep. Jason Perillo, 113th Dist. Rep. Lezlye Zupkus, 89th Dist. Rep. Tami Zawistowski, 61st Dist. Rep. Devin R. Carney, 23rd Dist.Judiciary1/21/2025
WatchingHB5695AN ACT CONCERNING CONSENT SEARCHES AND POLICE PURSUITS.To allow police pursuits and consent searches.Rep. Vincent J. Candelora, 86th Dist. Rep. Tom O'Dea, 125th Dist. Rep. David Rutigliano, 123rd Dist. Rep. Tim Ackert, 8th Dist. Rep. Jason Perillo, 113th Dist. Rep. Lezlye Zupkus, 89th Dist. Rep. Tami Zawistowski, 61st Dist. Rep. Devin R. Carney, 23rd Dist.Judiciary1/21/2025
WatchingHB5696AN ACT CONCERNING REVOCATION OF BOND FOR CERTAIN VIOLENT OFFENDERS.To allow courts to hold without bail individuals who are a danger to the community.Rep. Vincent J. Candelora, 86th Dist. Rep. Tom O'Dea, 125th Dist. Rep. David Rutigliano, 123rd Dist. Rep. Tim Ackert, 8th Dist. Rep. Jason Perillo, 113th Dist. Rep. Lezlye Zupkus, 89th Dist. Rep. Tami Zawistowski, 61st Dist. Rep. Devin R. Carney, 23rd Dist.Judiciary1/21/2025
SupportHB5717AN ACT CONCERNING FIREARM MAGAZINE LIMITS AND DECLARATIONS.To afford persons the means to better exercise the constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.Rep. Mark W Anderson, 62nd Dist.Public Safety and Security1/21/2025
WatchingHB5732AN ACT CONCERNING PENALTIES FOR MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT AND CRIMES INVOLVING FIREARMS.To increase penalties for motor vehicle theft and crimes involving firearms.Rep. Seth Bronko, 70th Dist.Judiciary1/21/2025
WatchingHB5737AN ACT PERMITTING JUDICIAL MARSHALS TO CARRY FIREARMS IN COURTHOUSES.To permit judicial marshals to carry firearms in courthouses.Rep. Seth Bronko, 70th Dist.Judiciary1/21/2025
WatchingSB880AN ACT PERMITTING PAROLE OFFICERS TO PROVIDE SCHOOL SECURITY SERVICES.To enable parole officers to serve as armed school security officers.Sen. Catherine A. Osten, 19th Dist.Education1/22/2025
WatchingSB980AN ACT IMPROVING SAFETY ON THE CAMPUSES OF INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION.To require institutions of higher education provide training and adopt procedures to respond to and prevent incidents of hate, harassment and racial, religious or ethnic bias.Sen. Matthew L. Lesser, 9th Dist.Higher Education and Employment Advancement1/22/2025
WatchingSB1025AN ACT PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION IN THE PROVISION OF HEALTH CARE SERVICES.To prevent discrimination in health care.Sen. Matthew L. Lesser, 9th Dist.Judiciary1/22/2025
SupportHB5800AN ACT CONCERNING FUNDING FOR RIFLE TEAMS AT TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOLS.To provide continued appropriations for rifle teams at technical high schools.Rep. Greg S. Howard, 43rd Dist. (R)Appropriations1/22/2025
WatchingHB5910AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE HUNTING OF ANIMALS BY FIREARM ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ON ALL DAYS OF THE WEEK DURING THE LEGAL HUNTING SEASON FOR SUCH ANIMAL.To allow the hunting of all animals on private property on all days of the week, including Sundays, during the legal hunting season for such animal.Rep. Doug Dubitsky, 47th Dist.Environment1/22/2025
SupportHB5912AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE USE OF FIREARMS FITTED WITH SOUND SUPPRESSORS BY HUNTERS.To authorize the use of gun sound suppressors by hunters.Rep. Doug Dubitsky, 47th Dist.Environment1/22/2025
WatchingHB6072AN ACT MAKING THE LOCATION OF SEXUAL ASSAULT AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CENTERS AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES CONFIDENTIAL UNDER THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT.To protect the safety of sexual assault and domestic violence victims by restricting public access to the location of the centers and associated facilities that serve such victims.Rep. Sarah Keitt, 134th Dist.Government Oversight1/22/2025
SupportHB6150AN ACT CONCERNING THE CASTLE DOCTRINE.To fully adopt the Castle Doctrine.Rep. Joe Hoxha, 78th Dist.Judiciary1/22/2025
SupportHB6151AN ACT CONCERNING THE ADOPTION OF THE STAND-YOUR-GROUND LAW.To adopt stand-your-ground as law and remove the duty to retreat.Rep. Joe Hoxha, 78th Dist.Judiciary1/22/2025
WatchingHB6152AN ACT EXPANDING THE ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALITY PROGRAM TO INCLUDE REAL PROPERTY AND PROPERTY TAX RECORDS.To expand the existing address confidentiality program for victims of certain enumerated crimes such as family violence to shield real property and property tax records containing such victim's name from disclosure.Rep. Gary A. Turco, 27th Dist.Judiciary1/22/2025
WatchingHB6163AN ACT CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CASE-TRACKING SYSTEM FOR DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS INVOLVING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.To strengthen court supports for a victim of domestic violence who is involved in a divorce proceeding.Rep. Maryam Khan, 5th Dist.Judiciary1/22/2025
WatchingSB1137AN ACT PROHIBITING PERSONS CONVICTED OF SERIOUS FIREARM OFFENSES AND SEXUAL ASSAULT-RELATED CRIMES FROM RECEIVING RISK REDUCTION EARNED CREDITS.To provide for tougher sentences for illegal gun possession and use and sexual assault.Sen. Rob Sampson, 16th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/23/2025
WatchingSB1139AN ACT CONCERNING JUDICIAL DISCRETION IN SENTENCING FOR SURVIVORS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, STALKING AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING.To allow courts greater discretion when sentencing survivors of domestic violence, stalking and human trafficking, recognizing these circumstances as mitigating factors.Sen. Mae Flexer, 29th Dist.Judiciary1/23/2025
WatchingSB1140AN ACT CONCERNING COURT DISCRETION TO ADD A FAMILY VIOLENCE COMPONENT TO THE PRETRIAL SUPERVISED DIVERSIONARY PROGRAM FOR CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS.To give the court discretion to add a family violence component requirement to the pretrial supervised diversionary program for individuals charged with a family violence crime.Sen. Mae Flexer, 29th Dist. Sen. John A. Kissel, 7th Dist.Judiciary1/23/2025
WatchingHB6212AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE USE OF SCHOOL SECURITY INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT FUNDS FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF ARMED SECURITY OFFICERS.To allow school districts to use school security infrastructure competitive grant program funds to employ armed school security officers.Rep. Carol Hall, 59th Dist.Education1/23/2025
WatchingHB6227AN ACT AUTHORIZING SUNDAY HUNTING.To authorize Sunday hunting in the state.Rep. Patrick S. Boyd, 50th Dist.Environment1/23/2025
WatchingHB6236AN ACT PROHIBITING WATERFOWL AND BIRD HUNTING IN SECTIONS OF THE MORRIS COVE AREA OF NEW HAVEN.To provide increased safety and quality of life to residents of the Morris Cove area of New Haven.Rep. Alphonse Paolillo, 97th Dist. Sen. Martin M. Looney, 11th Dist.Environment1/23/2025
WatchingHB6239AN ACT CONCERNING BOW AND ARROW HUNTING PRACTICES IN DEER AND TURKEY MANAGEMENT ZONES.To provide safe bow and arrow hunting practices and deer population control in deer and turkey management zones.Rep. Tracy Marra, 141st Dist.Environment1/23/2025
WatchingHB6285AN ACT AUTHORIZING A LIMITED BLACK BEAR HUNTING SEASON.To manage the black bear population and protect the residents of the state.Rep. Cara Christine Pavalock-D'Amato, 77th Dist.Environment1/23/2025
WatchingHB6363AN ACT CONCERNING TRAFFIC SAFETY ENFORCEMENT AND CERTAIN CRIMINAL OFFENSES.To prohibit the dismissing or lessening of charges concerning offenses related to driving at an excessive speed, illegal firearms, reckless driving and stolen cars.Rep. Jill Barry, 31st Dist.Judiciary1/23/2025
WatchingHB6366AN ACT CONCERNING UNLAWFUL DISCHARGE OF A FIREARM.To protect and clarify the right to use a firearm in self-defense.Rep. Craig C. Fishbein, 90th Dist. (R)Judiciary1/23/2025
SupportHB6605AN ACT CONCERNING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMISSION ON COMMUNITY GUN VIOLENCE INTERVENTION AND PREVENTION.To expand the membership of the Commission on Community Gun Violence Intervention and Prevention.Rep. Lezlye Zupkus, 89th Dist.Public Health1/24/2025
SupportHB6619AN ACT CONCERNING CARRY PERMIT RECIPROCITY.To secure permit or certificate reciprocity between Connecticut and other states that have substantially similar standards for carrying a firearm.Rep. Doug Dubitsky, 47th Dist.Public Safety and Security1/24/2025
SupportHB6620AN ACT CONCERNING TRANSFER OF ASSAULT WEAPONS AND LARGE CAPACITY MAGAZINES.To allow the legal transfer of an assault weapon possessed under a certificate of possession and large capacity magazines possessed under a declaration of possession between people who already legally possess such weapons or magazines.Rep. Doug Dubitsky, 47th Dist.Public Safety and Security1/24/2025
WatchingHB6621AN ACT ALLOWING POLICE OFFICERS TO CARRY FIREARMS THROUGHOUT THE STATE.To allow sworn police officers carrying proper identification to carry their firearms anywhere in the state, except as prohibited by federal law.Rep. Doug Dubitsky, 47th Dist.Public Safety and Security1/24/2025
WatchingHB6622AN ACT ALLOWING OFF-DUTY POLICE OFFICERS TO CARRY FIREARMS USED IN THE PERFORMANCE OF OFFICIAL DUTIES ON SCHOOL GROUND.To allow off-duty police officers to carry firearms used in the performance of official duties on school grounds.Rep. Doug Dubitsky, 47th Dist.Public Safety and Security1/24/2025
SupportHB6623AN ACT EXTENDING THE TERM OF AMMUNITION CERTIFICATES.To extend the term of an ammunition certificate.Rep. Doug Dubitsky, 47th Dist.Public Safety and Security1/24/2025
WatchingHB6637AN ACT ALLOWING OFF-DUTY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS TO CONCEAL AND CARRY FIREARMS ON SCHOOL GROUNDS.To allow an off-duty law enforcement officer to conceal and carry a firearm on school grounds.Rep. Steve Weir, 55th Dist.Public Safety and Security1/24/2025
WatchingHB6643AN ACT CONCERNING THE DISCHARGE OF A FIREARM FOR SELF-DEFENSE AND HUNTING NEAR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS.To protect and clarify an individual's right to use a firearm in self-defense around such individual's home.Rep. Craig C. Fishbein, 90th Dist. (R)Public Safety and Security1/24/2025
WatchingHB6672AN ACT CONCERNING THE REGISTRATION AND POSSESSION OF CERTAIN FIREARMS.To provide a means to legally sell or transfer certain firearms.Rep. Tom O'Dea, 125th Dist.Public Safety and Security1/24/2025
OpposeHB6180AN ACT CONCERNING NOTICE OF FIREARMS BY OPERATORS OF FAMILY CHILD CARE HOMES.To require (1) family child care home operators to notify parents and guardians of the presence of firearms, and (2) the Office of Early Childhood to take adverse licensing action against operators for violation of said requirement or safe firearms storage requirements.Rep. Liz Linehan, 103rd Dist.Children1/22/20251/29/20252/6/2025
SupportHB6859AN ACT CONCERNING THE DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND PUBLIC PROTECTION'S RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING CERTAIN EVIDENCE AND RECORDS, FIREARM INFORMATION, SECURITY GUARDS, FIREARM TRANSFERS AND SCHOOL SECURITY GRANTS.To implement various recommendations of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection concerning sexual assault evidence, records of cases of juvenile matters involving delinquency proceedings, information identifying seized or recovered firearms, security guards, firearm transfers and school security grants.Public Safety and Security CommitteePublic Safety and Security2/5/20252/11/2025
OpposeHB7042AN ACT CONCERNING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FIREARM INDUSTRY RESPONSIBILITY ACT.To permit the filing of a civil action against a firearm industry member who fails to exercise reasonable control over firearm industry products.Judiciary CommitteeJudiciary2/20/20253/12/2025
OpposeHB7137AN ACT CONCERNING A CONVICTION IN ANOTHER JURISDICTION AS A DISQUALIFIER FOR A CARRY PERMIT OR FIREARMS ELIGIBILITY OR AMMUNITION CERTIFICATE AND CONCERNING A MERCHANT CATEGORY CODE FOR FIREARMS OR AMMUNITION RETAILERS.To (1) provide that certain convictions in other jurisdictions are disqualifying in this state for a carry permit or firearms eligibility or ammunition certificate, if an offense for which a person is convicted of in another jurisdiction is substantially similar to a Connecticut disqualifying offense, and (2) require that the merchant category code for firearms or ammunition retailers be assigned to each firearms or ammunition retailer in this state.Judiciary CommitteeJudiciary 3/4/20253/12/2025
SupportHB7070AN ACT CONCERNING THE DUTY TO RETREAT IN A HOUSE OF RELIGIOUS WORSHIP.To eliminate the requirement that a person in a house of religious worship retreat before using deadly physical force to defend himself or herself or a third person.Judiciary CommitteeJudiciary2/25/20253/12/2025
SupportHB7194AN ACT CONCERNING SELF-DEFENSE AND CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF LARGE CAPACITY MAGAZINES AND ASSAULT WEAPONS.To (1) clarify provisions concerning the discharge of firearms in the case of self-defense or in lawful defense of another person, including for purposes of regulations concerning hunting, and (2) allow the legal transfer of large capacity magazines possessed under a declaration of possession and assault weapons possessed under a certificate of possession between persons who are legally permitted to possess such magazine or weapon.Judiciary CommitteeJudiciary3/6/20253/12/2025
SupportHB7052AN ACT CONCERNING LARGE CAPACITY MAGAZINES AND THE SALE OF AMMUNITION.To (1) redefine "large capacity magazine", (2) provide that the transfer of a large capacity magazine between certain persons within the state is not prohibited, and (3) permit the sale of ammunition to patrons of a firing or shooting range.Public Safety and Security CommitteePublic Safety and Security 2/20/20252/27/2025
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