Curious to where a candidate stands on your right to self defense? Look no further. Below is the list of all candidates for the State of Connecticut and their 2A ratings according to CCDL. If you are not sure what district you are in, click here and enter your address.

Party: (D) = Democrat, (R) = Republican, (I) = Independent, (L) = Libertarian, (G) = Green

* = Pending Primary

CT State


Ned Lamont (D)

Robert Stefanowski (R)

Robert Hotaling (I)

Lieutenant Governor

Susan Bysiewicz (D)

Laura Devlin (R)

Stewart "Chip" Beckett (I)

Secretary of the State

Stephanie Thomas (D)

Dominic Rapini (R)

Cynthia Jennings (G)


Erick Russell (D)

Harry Arora (R)

Jennifer Baldwin (I)

JoAnna Laiscell (L)


Sean Scanlon (D)

Mary Fay (R)

Attorney General

William Tong (D)

Jessica Kordas (R)

Ken Krayeske (G)

A. P. Pascarella (I)

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