What Can YOU Do?

A Guide for Public Letter Writing

While individuals on our side get the meaning of ‘A Well Regulated Militia’, those who disagree with us obviously do not. Many on the anti-gun side work overtime to minimize or dismiss entirely what the intent of the 2nd Amendment’s purpose is altogether.  They typically argue from false narratives and bolster their claims at every turn.

There is a battle in the court of public opinion day in and day out. Let’s face facts; the general public tends to be influenced by what is seen and heard in typical news stories. Not enough positive stories (defensive use of firearms) make the news. Typically the positive stories that do make the news fall off the radar quickly and usually do not grab headlines in the first place. .  

This section of our website is dedicated to providing resources for CCDL members to engage publicly by writing editorial letters and opinions to online and print media. We are providing web links, email contacts, writing tips and other useful resources so that we can sustain our efforts.

This is a simple and easy feat for people to accomplish. We feel that it is our obligation as 2A activists and supporters to engage the public with positive information and logical opinions.

 Writing submissions may include simple opinions, constitutional facts, referrals about defensive use of firearms, and how simply owning and carrying firearms serve as a deterrent in the first place.  

Simple Points

  1. When our rights come under attack by people who fear guns rather than the evil intentions of criminals, we must make sure that our side of the argument is heard. Our opponents don’t hesitate to use the editorial pages of our state’s newspapers to advance their agenda. We can and must do so as well.
  2. The beauty of this writing and emailing opinion letters is that it does not involve a huge time investment and can be done in the comfort of your home.
  3. It is free.

Writing Tips

  1. a) Be concise; it is easy for most people to ramble without realizing it.
  2. b) Avoid redundancy. Make your point and be careful about repeating that point.
  3. c) If you are responding to a previous letter or news story be sure to reference it specifically so the editors have some context.
  4. d) Credit and cite any sources when applying statistical information to your point.
  5. e) Check your newspaper’s list of parameters, there are usually space limit guidelines.
  6. f) Proof read and spell check, get a second pair of eyes to check for    grammar and/or content.
  7. g) Follow the newspaper’s instructions for submitting your letter, for the sake of timeliness, email is best.
  8. h) If your paper doesn’t publish your opinion automatically, follow up with the editor to make sure that your letter was received in a day or two.
  9. Don’t be nervous about expressing your opinion publicly. Any effort we utilize to protect and defend our 2nd Amendment rights is well worth it.
  10. The newspaper editors really do want to hear what you have to say. That’s exactly what letters to the editor are for.

Proofreading Resources

If you wish to obtain useful and constructive edits for letters prior to submission, CCDL has a member who stepped forward with writing experience. 

Proof Reading Contact:


About Jeffrey Cain (Ph.D.):



Letters to the Editor Contact List

Most newspapers require that you include your name, address and phone number for verification.
It is helpful and sometimes required that you include the words “letter to the editor” in the subject line of email submissions.

Connecticut Post
410 State Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Email: edit@ctpost.com
Fax: 203-367-8158

The Bristol Press
188 Main Street
Bristol, CT 06010
Phone: 860-584-0501
Email: editor@bristolpress.com
Fax: 860-584-2192

333 Main Street
Danbury, CT 06810
Phone: 203-731-3344
Email: letters@newstimes.com
Fax: 203-792-8730

Greenwich Time
1455 East Putnam Avenue
Old Greenwich, CT 06870
Phone: 203-964-2293
Email: letters.greenwichtime@scni.com
Fax: 203-964-2345

Hartford Courant
285 Broad Street
Hartford, CT 06115
Phone: 860-241-6200
Emails can be submitted via the form at: http://www.courant.com/opinion/hc-send-us-a- letter-20140911-htmlstory.html
Fax: 860-520-6941

Journal Inquirer
306 Progress Drive
Manchester, CT 06045
Phone: 1-800-237-3606
Email: letters@journalinquirer.com
Fax: 860-646-9867

500 South Broad Street
Meriden, CT 06450
Phone: 203-235-1661
Email: letters@record-journal.com
Fax: 203-639-0210

The Middletown Press
386 Main Street 4th floor
Middletown, CT 06457
Phone: 860-347-3331
Email: letters@middletownpress.com
Fax: 860-347-3380

The New Britain Herald
1 Court Street
New Britain, CT 06051
Phone: 860-225-4601
Email submissions use the form at : https://centralctcommunications-dot- com.bloxcms.com/site/forms/online_services/letter/

New Haven Register
100 Gando Drive
New Haven, CT 06513
Phone: 203-789-5200
Email: letters@nhregister.com
Fax: 203-789-5705

Yale Daily News
202 York Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: 203-432-2424
Email: opinion@yaledailynews.com
Fax: 203-432-7425

The Day
47 Eugene O’Neill Drive
New London, CT 06320
Phone: 1-800-542-3354
Email: letters@theday.com
Fax: 860-442-0420

The Hour
1 Selleck Street
Norwalk, CT 06855
Phone: 203-846-3281
Email submissions use form at: https://thehour-dot-com.bloxcms- ny1.com/site/forms/online_services/letter/
Fax: 203-846-9897

The Bulletin
10 Railroad Place
Norwich, CT 06360
Phone: 860-425-4225
Email: letters@norwichbulletin.com

The Advocate
9A Riverbend Drive South
Stamford, CT 06907
Phone: 203-964-2293
Email: letters.advocate@scni.com
Fax: 203-964-2345

The Register Citizen
59 Field Street
P.O. Box 58
Torrington, CT 06790
Phone: 860-489-3121
Email: editor@registercitizen.com

Republican American
389 Meadow Street
Waterbury, CT 06722
Phone: 203-574-3636
Email: opinion@rep-am.com
Fax: 203-596-9277

Westport News
410 State Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Phone: 203-333-6688
Email: jschwing@ctpost.com (include “Letter To Editor” in subject line)

The Chronicle
1 Chronicle Road
P.O.Box 148
Willimantic, CT 06226
Phone: 860-423-8466
Email: letters@thechronicle.com

Resources for Taking Action

Below is a list of useful links

CT General Assembly (Text and status of bills) – www.cga.ct.gov
Find your legislators: www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/cgafindleg.asp
Connecticut Firearms Law: http://jud.ct.gov/lawlib/law/firearms.htm
The Office of Legislative Research: https://www.cga.ct.gov/olr/default.asp
CT General Assembly Legislative Library: https://www.cga.ct.gov/lib/
Connecticut’s Main Page: www.ct.gov
Connecticut Pistol Permit Issues: www.ctpistolpermitissues.com
CCDL’s Guide for Letter Writing:  A Guide for Public Letter Writing
Letters to the editor Contact List: Letters to the Editor Contact List
CT Dept. of Public Safety Crime Reports: http://www.dpsdata.ct.gov/dps/ucr/ucr.aspx
Statistics: www.fbi.gov
Statistics: www.gunfacts.info
Statistics: https://www.atf.gov/resource-center
U.S. Congress (Text and status of Federal bills): https://www.congress.gov/
U.S. House (Federal Legislation): www.house.gov/
U.S. Senate (Federal legislation): www.senate.gov
U.S. Government portal (State and federal agencies links): www.USA.gov

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